That is going to be the title of my book. I love the quirky women who have a witty sense of humor, or even the loud mouths who just tell it like it is. I like the storytellers and the eyerollers, and the ones who go “God Damn I need a beer right now.”
But unfortunately all of the women I know want to model their lives around Desperate Housewives. Oh my God, I forgot my tanning lotion for the bed and I never go to the gym without tanning first! That was not an example, someone really said that today. I don’t know what is terribly wrong with that phrase, but I know that it makes me fantasize about a dead body in a pool of blood. I know a guy would never say that. And for example, If I said “kiss my butt” to a guy – he would laugh. But I couldn’t say that to a typical girl because she would get offended or think of me as uncool. I like to say that though. Or if I said “fuck” because something went wrong, a girl would be like “Oh my God are you ok?” and a guy would be like “haha, having one of those days eh?”. Why are girls such anal asswads? I think that they should make a show called “Desperate Ass-Sticks” and hold tryouts for it. And on the TV show, all the girls literally have to walk around all day with sticks up their asses as punishment for existing in this world.
The End.
that was a good story! people i work with swear all day long, girls and boys. its actually kind of annoying. like they well just stretch and as they are stretching say “ahhh shit” and then move on to something else.
The one woman in my office says “fuck” all the time. I just ignore it because if it was to get my attention it hasn’t worked and she has not stopped yet. I think she just likes to say it. She acts professional, but when she is just sitting there its like “fuck fuck fuck”.
I’m definitely an eye roller. I catch myself during meetings rolling my eyes and making faces. It’s going to get me in trouble one day. Until then I think most people are idiots and deserve a good behind the back mockery.