
I designed my page again! What is this … the millionth time? Well, as luck would have it I’ve been quite ill for the past three days, only leaving my house for pop. I forgot what sunshine looks like. And the medicine I take wacks me out too much to just sleep all day. So, this is the product of being a prisoner in front of my computer. I’m applying all the new CSS I’m learning! Except, it isn’t really CSS I want to learn. I just need to get good at making graphics. Figuring out where to stick them is easy, but making them is hard! I used a new program I found called Xara to make all the cool curved edges. Don’t even say that you can make that stuff in Photoshop. I won’t believe you because Photoshop sucks and that is the end. My nose fell off so I have to go glue it back on.

4 Responses to “Yay”

  1. Wojo says:

    Your new design rocks! Although, the comment text is white as I enter it… so I have no idea what I’m writing!

  2. Nellie says:

    Haha! Thanks for bringing that to my attention. I must fix this … weird!

  3. Nellie says:

    ok, its fixed now. I had the textbox and comment text set to the same color.

  4. Wojo says:

    And voila, there’s my text! Again, looks great! Sparkling and fresh!