Thursday, October 9
Hello everyone, anyone? I am back again 😛 I guess a lot has happened in the last 2.5 months, but just the day to day blargh that I really cannot reproduce in one entry. I just got really sick of looking at my ugly webpage that was in serious need of reconstruction. I tried a few times to re-design it, but I just got fed up with it. I am terribly indecisive, always have been. I ruin everything I try to create. I always try to make things look perfect, but I just end up going too far and destroying them. So yesterday I was feeling kind of sick and didn’t feel like doing school work, so I just sat down and spent 3 hours re-designing my page, and I am done! What you see is what you get. It isn’t the best page in the world, but it’s a lot better than it was before. I just thought that pandas would be cute, and it always makes me feel non-pathetic. Like if I feel sick, I can say I am a sick panda. If I am sad, I am a sad panda. If I am happy, I am a happy panda. Even a dead panda sounds better than being just “dead”. It makes the whiney side of me seem justifiable if I just add panda every time I want to bitch or complain about something. So, there ya go – just think of a panda when I am being a poop head and you’ll still like me 🙂
So … I started at Pitt in August and next week is midterms already. Time has gone by so fast lately, its weird. Somehow it seems like it is going by faster than ever. I was just thinking about being in recitation last Friday and how I couldn’t wait to get out of my last class at 2:50 because that meant that it was weekend time. Now I can’t even remember the weekend and tomorrow is Thursday already. One more day and the weekend will be here again. Classes are going well though and I like Pitt a lot better than IUP. It isn’t really the classes, they aren’t harder or more challenging, I just like it here better. The people aren’t all faggots and the professors don’t try to be GOD … yet. Maybe I just have some cool professors this semester. At IUP, every semester there was at least one professor who had to constantly talk about his/her personal life and brag about how successful they had been. I feel like I have more control of my life here, really don’t ask me why. At IUP I just felt like I was living in this box and that I was trapped in a gay town with the yuckiest people all around me. The girls were either sorority beauty queens that wore make up to class in their pajamas or they were grossly obese girls that didn’t understand that wearing spandex halter tops only made them look fatter. The guys were all Abercrombie guys, seriously. The ones in the business school were totally lame. They all wore button up shirts, khakis, and loafers. Wearing a baseball cap was a serious fashion no-no. Their hair was always perfectly groomed, neat, and they usually wore way too much hair gel. Some of them even carried leather messenger bags like they were working on Wall Street or something. I was beginning to wonder if I would ever fit in being a Finance major. Most business majors were guys. All girls were either Accounting or Marketing majors. There were two other girls who were Finance majors and I hated them both. One was this ugly blonde slut and I wanted to kill her. The other one was fat and stupid. Yeah, I didn’t really like being one of 8 Finance majors there. It was kind of cool to be a small group, but then again it sucked. The business school here isn’t very big compared to other schools, but at least I know that there are more than 8 Finance majors. IUP made you feel like you were living in a community, a bubble, a nest. Here I feel like I am out in the open, more free, and more independent. I don’t feel like I am trapped anymore. Its just so much nicer here.
There isn’t much other news. I’ve been pretty busy with school work and Todd is still the best boyfriend in the whole wide world – he brought me a moose today and it is really cute. We can’t hang out much anymore because we are both busy – especially him, so we usually only see each other on the weekends. Its really good though because I have time during the week to get all my stuff done, and I have the weekend to really really look forward to. Before I met Todd, my life consisted of doing nothing all week because I had the excuse that I had all weekend to do it – because I had no life. Now I do my stuff during the week, stay busy, and have long relaxing fun fun weekends. So I swear I’m not lying that I will update more frequently even though it will be hard to update if I can’t use FTP anymore since it became gay. Oh well, see ya!