Silly Rabbit, that doesn’t work!

So back when hockey was on, which seems forever ago … I used to have this tactic. Of course, being from Pittsburgh I cheer for the Penguins. They don’t always win. Anyways, watching hockey makes me nervous for some reason. Its just so touch and go …. unlike football which I don’t understand anyways. At least in football there are all of these steps leading up to a touch-down. But in hockey, its like one second nothing and the next second WHAM, someone scored a goal. And the players are like always trying to kill each other. It’s just too much action for me. Usually I cringe and hide my eyes when I get nervous, but when we are like really far behind I just turn off the TV. Yes, I turn it off. Maybe I’m jinxed, but something always happens when I turn off the TV … or say go to the bathroom. So tonight I started getting a bit upset when they started losing like a lot …. so I went to the store to buy some diet pepsi. Afterall, a trip to the store only takes 5 minutes. And I was happy for a few minutes. The Indian man gave me some free Reeses Peanut Butter Cups and some watermelon flavored certs in a round tin thing. He said it will help me not smoke. I love the Indian man and I love free stuff. So I came back and woohoo, the Pens scored a goal. Eh, they are still going to lose. They’re just holding out on their true talents until November 12 – cause I might really be going to a real live game. That will be exciting! And on a totally unrelated note, I’m posting a few random pictures I’ve taken in the last month. None of me of course. Nobody ever takes pictures of me. I always have the webcam though.

Julie, Nate, and a pretzel. Taken at Churchbrew Works a few weeks ago.

My big comfy bed in that scary oh sooo scary little caveroom.

This is Todd …. taken a few days ago. He grew a beard thing. And he’s making the pissed off face because all I do is torture him with my camera.

Flowers I got back in August from Aldi’s. Todd purchased them cause they were only $1.99 but I picked them up and had to carry them around the store and then put them in his pile of stuff he was buying when we checked out. Yep girls, thats how ya get flowers from a boy.

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