10 things you always wanted to know and random old pictures

1. Right now I feel very sick. I have acid reflux / heartburn / disgusting burniness through my body. Maybe I have lupus. My first boyfriend claimed to have lupus. His name was Bill. His cheeks were kind of sunken in and he told me that when he was little he ate a popsicle and the insides of his cheeks just froze and had to be removed. Or something like that. Ummm.

2. When I was 17 I was probably did a lot worse things than Taylor Behl. And she’s gone. And people rip her apart because she talks aobut things like “sneaking a boy into her room”, drinking alcohol, and smoking cigarettes”. Big deal. You know, I lost my bedroom door for doing a lot worse than that when I was her age. I used to stay out all night, ride with drunk drivers, smoke pot, have sex, steal alcohol, party in fields, get trashed in my bedroom, and get rides from strangers. I guess it wasn’t a big town though. My murder wouldn’t have stayed a mystery for long. I’ve read her Livejournal and her MySpace profile ….. and she doesn’t seem like a bad ass kid at all. In fact, she seems quite mature and rather tame, undramatic, and just kind of normal. The guy that is a suspect in her murder has a LiveJournal and a MySpace account. I believe they met online. However, he was 38 … although truly he looks maybe 25 at the most. People rip this stuff apart. If I went missing, I can just imagine what people would interpret from my rantings. Well by the time they got through all this crap and found something to interpret from my three years of nonsense, I’d already be long gone and half devoured by forest creatures. How about just not abducting me, ok.

3. I once lived in this house. It was creepy there:

4. I used to rollerblade a lot until I sustained massive injuries and decided that I wasn’t meant to be on wheels. This is a picture of all of us cool rollerbladers sitting on a ledge. I don’t know why Julie isn’t in the picture, maybe she took it. Courtney is on the far left. I’m on the far right. I was probably 15 or 16 in this picture.

5. I killed someone with these scissors. This picture was taken in 2002 or 2003.

6. This is my mom. She thinks she’s a ballerina.

7. This was my senior picture. I look nothing like this. I don’t know what they do to these things.

8. Julie and I hugging. Taken at some point a long time ago, age 15-16.

9. Courtney is a lesbian.

10. I still have heartburn, bleh. I wish I had a human blanket. I hate being cold. And I’m cold. Brrr …. goodbye.

5 Responses to “10 things you always wanted to know and random old pictures”

  1. Kim says:

    Who is the person in the rollerblading picture next to you? I recognize Courtney, Katie and you.

  2. Julie says:

    That is Jess “S.” (I didn’t want to put her full name here in case she googles herself… not that she would – I don’t think she knows how to “use” the “Internet.”)

  3. Nellie says:

    Yeah but thats cause she’s too busy getting naked at that place …. Teasers I think its called? Strippers are too cool for the internet.

  4. Julie says:

    Also – I do remember taking that rollerblading picture – I remember telling everyone to do something different with their feet. I guess Jess S. was too dumb to come up with something on her own, so just had to copy what Katie was doing.

  5. Nellie says:

    I guess I didn’t do anything interesting with my feet. But Jess had her own arm thing going. The rest of us were like grabbing our crotches, haha.