I just totally freaked out. I went online to my checking account and noticed that there was about $400 less than there was supposed to be. I don’t really keep that much money in my checking account because I don’t have a lot of money and because any spare change that I can accumulate either pays off debt or goes into my savings account. I try to distribute evenly. Anyways, my bank cashed my rent check twice in one week. They cashed it on the 23rd and again on the 27th. I got paid on the 28th, but because after cashing my rent once and not being paid yet, I did not have the amount of my rent in my checking account so I also got charged a $32 overdraft fee. My online account is cool though. They scan my checks, so any check has a little picture button beside it and I can look at a copy of my actual check. So after looking and realizing that they cashed my check twice I called the bank and was upset. But I didn’t yell. I just asked them to fix it, and the customer service lady was awesome and told me I was absolutely right and that everything would be refunded today. And I have money because I was paid, but still … I am missing a big chunk of it and I have bills to pay. Ughh, at least it is Friday!
My name is in the newspaper. So is all of my contact information so stalkers can find me. I hate that. I hate that. I hate that. Did I mention … I hate that? I don’t know why, it is barely mentioned, and it isn’t even in a newspaper that anyone I know personally (besides people I work with) will read, but still … I just want to have a different name. Nobody else in the world has my name, I can’t even be confused with anyone. If you see my name, its me. If you see anyone with the same last name as me, we’re related. The chances of that are slim though. I have few relatives. We just don’t grow. I don’t know why. I think I’m going to start going by a different name and introduce myself as Juanita Nachita. Then nobody can research me. I know I’m way too paranoid about it, but I know things I shouldn’t know, that people don’t know that I know. I don’t want anyone to know things without my knowledge about me that I have not approved them to know. It’s ok. It is Friday.
I don’t have any bad news but everytime I get excited and talk about something good I jinx myself and something bad happens to the good thing that I just wrote about. I did get new furniture that is awesome. I got a glass coffeetable that I have painfully tried to decorate but I’m doing such a bad job. My new bed is awesome. I sleep in it EVERY NIGHT and I haven’t slept this good in a long time. I really love my new bed. I didn’t get a dresser because it was way too huge and I wouldn’t be able to store it right now, but I got a small nightstand with drawers but it needs painted. I have paint that will perfectly match my comforter but I haven’t decided if I’m buying a new comforter yet, so I am holding off on painting it until I figure out my bedroom theme. My comforter is a pretty magenta kind of color. Not red, but not purple, I really like it … on my bed that is.
One time I dyed my hair this burgandy color but it ended up more like magenta and Julie told me that my hair was the same color as her grandma’s car. Of course I was fifteen then, so it was ok to have fake red hair and look ridiculous. But face it, nobody has burgandy hair and the only people who can pull it off are Kate Winslet and Debra Messing. My hair is so awesome lately, I never realized what an expensive hair cut and really good shampoo could do for my hair. And I guess I should thank the girl at my hair salon who convinced me that I needed to get all of my hair chopped off in order to make it grow beautifully. It is rather nice right now, despite all the static electricity. Well that is all I care to talk about right now. I’m off to do something other than sit around on the computer and read the same archives on my website from August and September over and over again. I don’t actually do that, but someone sure does.
I met a dolphin named Nachito in Mexico! Maybe you two are related.