
I got paid today and that is about the only good thing that happened. I’m rich now. I can pay my rent, pay all of my bills, buy food, and still have money left over with one paycheck. What am I going to do with all this money! Not going to pay my phone bill, that is for sure. I have this crappy phone called cricket. It sucks. There are no real human beings to talk to. My bill is due today and apparently if I don’t pay it by midnight they will shut my phone off. Oh well. No phone for me. I tried to pay it, really … it has ruined my entire day. I planned on going shopping after work. It never happened because I had to come home and call 100 stupid people.
I planned on paying my phone bill during my lunch break today. I went to the big cricket lounge down the street, and guess what. I can’t pay my bill there. WTF? What the hell is that huge building doing there? Collecting atmospheric dust I suppose. I tried to pay online. I only have $2.46 in my checking account, and my big wad of cash isn’t doing me any good since useless buildings that take up space do not take payments. I tried to pay by check but I have 14 different routing numbers, old checks, a new bank, and none of my routing numbers were working. By the way, I had called my bank last week to get the correct routing numbers so I could have my paychecks direct-deposited and the numbers they gave me weren’t working either. I tried to pay with my debit card but I kept getting some weird robot error voice. Again, humans do no exist in this business. They can only tell you that they CAN’T take your money, go give it to the automated robot. Hrmphh.
I don’t even know if they would shut my phone off but I’ve never paid my bill late before. I don’t really care because I plan on signing up with AT&T tomorrow, but I wanted to have my number transferred, which requires an active service with another provider.
My internet sucks too. Ever since all the college freaks moved back it has been slow and not working and shitty all over. Nothing works, my apartment is a mess because I quit cleaning about two weeks ago. Yes, I quit cleaning. My dishes are piled up, I quit making my bed, and I haven’t vacuumed in like a week. I don’t know what has cause my sudden regression into slobster again, oh well. Who cares. I’m the only one who has to live here. It seems that everything is in order when things are clean. Maybe if I clean my apartment everything will start working again. Hmmm …

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