I’m boring

I ended up not getting cable today because I had to work. I’m really happy that I got a raise last week and my hours were cut this week. I am sure its all a conspiracy. Pay me more and make me work shitty 4 hour shifts. Meanwhile, you can pay other people less and make them work more. I need a new job right now. I am supposed to call some lady back about a job. She is gone now, so I’ll call her tomorrow. I’ll let you know if anything happens. Now I can’t get cable and internet until Monday but that is fine because that is only one day I will be sad, and I am sure I will be busy moving, unpacking, and organizing on Sunday.
There is a new girl at work. I like it when Al hires girls because there are definitely more boys than girls. When I work the evening shift I am always the only girl unless Jackie is there, which is about never. During the day Shera and I are the only girls. The new girl is pretty cool so far. Her name is Toni and she lives near me. Well for the next 3 days anyways, PS I’m moving since I haven’t made that abundantly clear in the last entries. She is 27 and she grew up around here. That is all I know. She is working lottery and is replacing the girl who just quit. Her name was Joni (haha they rhyme). Joni was psychotic though, and she was old. I don’t like old women. She was like 48, but she acted like she was 4. She ran around and bossed everyone around, and she would always come over and eat the burnt dried cheese off of the pizza trays. It was kind of gross. Anyways, one day she didn’t come to work and then the next day she quit. Today Toni was like an hour late. Not too impressive on your third day of work. It seems like Al hires people and then they just don’t show up. If I got a new job, I would be obsessive about being on time, actually I am still obsessive about being on time to work, and I’ve worked there for over 1 year.
Since I’ve worked at Vento’s I think I have only been late 3 or 4 times. One time I was an hour late because someone broke into Todd’s car when he stayed over at my apartment. But I definitely called and was like “yeah this is what is happening”. One day I slept in until like 11:30 and I was supposed to be there at 11 …. and I lived far away. Oops. And two times I was like 10 minutes late. I have worked there for over a year, and I have worked every single day for the last 6 months. I think I’m pretty reliable. I just don’t get some people. Maybe I am just obsessive about being on time, but its one of those things that I just HATE. Not just work … anywhere. I HAVE TO BE ON TIME. Unless I am meeting my friends or something. Then I really don’t care.
I’m going over to my new apartment now to unpack some things and get my kitchen in working order … and I might buy a few groceries. BYE.

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